Contribute to this Film - Lizard Productions

Lizard Productions

We're Here To Stay/Home -  Remember His Name - Seattle's Interbay P Patch Giving Garden
 Order "We're Here To Stay" - Digital Remaster - About Liz - Contact Info


Watch the Remember His Name trailer
directed by Rich Thorne and Liz Latham.

To contribute to "Remember His Name," send your check to Liz Latham. In the memo section write: "Remember His Name" and mail it to:

Liz Latham 
PO BOX 16641 
Seattle, WA 98116

Levels of Giving or "Ways to Feel Good"

  • Spread the Love ...
    Executive Producer $500,000
    Always dreamed of being an E.P.?  Here's your chance!

  • Make a Difference - Writer/Editor $10,000

  • Create Change - Curriculum Writer $20,000

  • Make It Pretty - Graphics $10,000

  • Make It Legal - Copyright and Release Costs $10,000

Your name will be in the film's credits as a contributor.  The large gifts as outlined above will receive full page acknowledgements in the films credits and marketing materials.  We are also accepting in memoriam acknowledgement gifts for the credits.

Thank you very much for your donation to this very timely documentary project.

Liz Latham
Documentary Filmmaker
Phone: (206) 947-5407

We're Here To Stay/Home -  Remember His Name - Seattle's Interbay P Patch Giving Garden
 top of page - Order "We're Here To Stay" - Digital Remaster - About Liz - Contact Info